i'll rock my guitar
cause i know you want me to
Dont Know how to navigate?Then your better much dead
All well you are reading,anyway just continue reading.
Because i told you not to read and you still read,follow the instriction carefully below:
#Go to a blog with a C-Box and type Theck sean is horny.
#Do it to five different bog.(if you dont you will get bad luck for 5 days)
#You will get a 55% chance of seeing TheckSean running around like a madcow naked
Warning :Do not Read below.
You are very stubbon aren't you.Well if you dont want to do the instruction above,this is how you get away from the 'TheckSean is horny' curse:
Tell Theck Sean About this page Via his C-Box.Mua hahahahahha
rock your body
241 whooooooooo.
rock your body
Me(Without my skills) + guitar = ear killer
Me(idiot version)+ guitar =broken smashed guitar
Me(idiot version without my skills)+guitar = the cause 4 you to go to a hospital in coma without your ears
Me (idiot version without my skills) + a bit of caffeine +guitar = world's end...
rock your body
rock your body